The new GROOVE CARDS now on Kickstarter!

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Here you will find an overview of the shipping costs. We orientate on the shipping zones at DHL.

Warenpost Premium (merchandise shipping) & Parcel

Single books and up to four packs of Rudiment Cards can be sent as Warenpost Premium (merchandise mail). Anything above that will be sent as a parcel.


Free shipping from 39€!
  • Warenpost 2,95€
  • Parcel 5,99€

Zone 1 EU

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland
  • Warenpost 3,39€ - 5,85€
  • Parcel 11,95€

Zone 1 Non-EU

Liechtenstein, Switzerland
  • Warenpost 4,35€ - 8,15€
  • Parcel 17,20€

Zone 2

Andorra, Great Britain, Italy, San Marino, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary, Vatican City
  • Warenpost 3,70€ - 7,49€
  • Parcel 11,95€

Zone 3 EU

Bulgarien, Kroatien, Zypern, Estland, Finnland, Griechenland, Irland, Lettland, Litauen, Malta, Portugal, Rumänien
  • Warenpost 3,90€ - 8,29€
  • Parcel 12,35€

Zone 3 Non-EU

Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Republic of Moldova,
Serbia, Ukraine, Belarus
  • Warenpost 4,98€ - 10,60€
  • Parcel 16€

Zone 4

Algeria, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Russian Federation, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey
  • Warenpost 4,59€ - 8,35€
  • Parcel 12,35€

Zone 5

Armenien, China, Indien, Indonesien, Iran, Japan, Jemen, Jordanien, Kambodscha, Kanada, Kasachstan, Malaysia, Mexiko, Mongolei, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippinen, Singapur, Sri Lanka, Südkorea, Tadschikistan, Taiwan, Thailand, USA, Vietnam
  • Warenpost 5,65€ - 13,85€
  • Parcel 16,90€

Zone 6

Rest of the world
  • Warenpost 5,95€ - 14,75€
  • Parcel 32,50€
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